El lenguaje claro beneficia a empresas y consumidores. En esta entrevista, un experto explica por qué es crucial, especialmente en el ámbito de la cobranza de deudas y su impacto en la comunicación.
La pregunta fundamental en la gestión responsable de cobro es: ¿cómo tratamos a los clientes que deben alguna cantidad? Como demuestra EOS, existe más de una respuesta correcta.
La junta de EOS habla sobre el ejercicio 2023/24: cómo han evolucionado las operaciones en las regiones, por qué la sostenibilidad sigue siendo importante y por qué EOS está preparada para el futuro.
Commitment to strategy: Sustainability is becoming a success factor for financial companies. ESG experts at EOS are driving environmentally conscious and socially responsible action internationally.
Por tercera vez, EOS invitaba a sus empleados a participar en el concurso de innovación. El objetivo: promover la colaboración internacional y mejorar el rendimiento.
Casi la mitad de las filiales de EOS ya trabajan con él: Kollecto+. El sistema de gestión de cobro digital avanza a buen ritmo, y ofrece muchas ventajas tanto a clientes como a consumidores.
Win-win: EOS North Macedonia is taking on Uni Banka’s receivables management in the long term. The collaboration doesn’t just benefit the two companies but also the country’s economy.
In Poland and southeastern Europe, IFC (International Finance Corporation) and EOS apply strict ESG criteria covering social and environmental aspects when buying NPL portfolios.
«Revolución programada»: el Grupo EOS optimiza sus procesos de gestión de créditos mediante la automatización robótica de procesos, dando a las personas más tiempo para tareas complejas y creativas.
La IA generativa ofrece a las empresas un enorme potencial. El Grupo Otto disminuye los riesgos con su herramienta interna ogGPT. En Grupo EOS también nos beneficiamos de ello.
Una encuesta revela que la IA generativa como ChatGPT ofrece múltiples aplicaciones a las empresas en diferentes áreas. En las áreas de riesgos y finanzas existe mucho potencial sin explorar.
En el sistema de gestión de cobro Kollecto+, todas las empresas de EOS reúnen sus conocimientos y experiencia, y al hacerlo mejoran la eficacia de todo el Grupo.
EOS es sinónimo de gestión de deudas justa y respetuosa. La empresa de gestión de cobro lo consigue con tecnología que simplifica los procesos y personal especializado.
Las deudas transfronterizas presentan desafíos tanto logísticos como jurídicos. La empresa de alquiler de automóviles Hertz confía en la experiencia de EOS para la gestión de sus deudas internacionales.
EOS tiene actividad en 180 países, con empresas propias o socios seleccionados. Los bancos que frecuentemente venden deudas entre fronteras a EOS también se benefician de esta red.
Record inflation and rising energy prices threaten the purchasing power of companies and their ability to invest: Here is how you can mitigate the effects.
La adhesión al Pacto Mundial de Naciones Unidas ayuda a EOS a orientar estratégicamente su compromiso social. ¿Cómo se traducen los objetivos de esta iniciativa a las actividades de la empresa?
When goods are ordered under a false name, retailers are often left with the costs. RISK IDENT has developed a software that uses artificial intelligence to put a stop to identity fraud in e-commerce.
The EU has issued an action plan to reduce NPLs. In this interview, Freda Stockfleth explains what measures the EU has devised and the potential positive and negative effects for everyone involved.
In many cities around the world, buildings are lying empty and falling into disrepair. EOS is making sure that these properties can be used again. It’s a win-win scenario!
The COVID-19 pandemic has made international debt collection even more challenging. The EOS partner network is a reliable point of contact during the crisis too – thanks also to an efficient IT platform.
How can business practices improve the world? The corporate responsibility strategy of EOS consists of four actionable areas. Its motto: Changing for the better.
In this interview, Justus Hecking-Veltman, CFO of the EOS Group, explains what makes EOS so resilient and how the company aims to exploit new opportunities after this exceptional year.
The EOS Group is resolutely pursuing its corporate responsibility agenda. But climate protection is not the only objective. The company’s CR strategy focuses above all on social and corporate engagement.
Diverse teams are more successful, says diversity expert Tijen Onaran. In this interview she reveals how companies can create diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace.
The secured debt portfolio business is growing, especially at the EOS national subsidiaries in France and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. An important advantage they have is the Group’s good name.
As the technological options available have increased in recent years so too have consumer expectations about the accessibility of customer service. Nowadays, many companies are using chatbots to ensure faster, round-the-clock processing of customer issues. At EOS too, virtual assistants are giving defaulting payers information and thus providing support to service personnel.
Data protection is not nearly as boring as it is made out to be, at least according to Senior Privacy Officer Stephan Bovermann. In this article he explains how EOS deals with sensitive data.
When selling receivables the aim is to get a purchase price that is as fair as possible. To guarantee this to the seller, a purchaser like EOS first of all has to get to know the portfolio. Before submitting an offer, the portfolio is thoroughly scrutinized.
Kollecto+ is the centralized debt collection platform of the EOS Group. After years in development, the rollout has been completed by EOS in Croatia, the first of many countries to introduce the software. A progress report.
According to Andreas Behmenburg, now is the time to arrange for professional receivables management. In this interview he explains how companies can find a reputable debt collection partner.
Gracias a la creación de su Centro Cross-border hace 10 años, EOS encontró la forma de recuperar facturas a nivel internacional. Desde entonces, se ha creado una fuerte red mundial de socios.