Uprava EOS Grupe o financijskoj godini 2023/24: kako se poslovanje razvilo po regijama, zašto održivost ostaje važan fokus i kako se EOS priprema za budućnost...
Predanost strategiji: Održivost je važan faktor uspjeha za financijske tvrtke. Stručnjaci za ESG u EOS-u potiču ekološki osviještene i društveno odgovorne aktivnosti na međunarodnoj razini.
Win-win: EOS Sjeverna Makedonija dugoročno preuzima upravljanje potraživanjima Uni Banke. Suradnja ne koristi samo dvjema tvrtkama, već i gospodarstvu zemlje.
„Programirana revolucija“: EOS Grupa optimizira upravljanje digitalnim potraživanjima robotskom automatizacijom procesa, dajući tako osoblju više slobode za složenije i kreativnije zadatke.
A survey reveals that generative AI like ChatGPT offers companies potential applications in numerous areas. In the area of risk and finance, it also harbors untapped potential.
Prekogranična potraživanja označavaju logističke i pravne izazove. Društvo za iznajmljivanje automobila Hertz oslanja se na EOS-ovu stručnost za svoje međunarodne naplate dugovanja.
EOS je aktivan u 180 država s vlastitim trgovačkim društvima ili odabranim partnerima. Banke koje redovito prodaju prekogranična dugovanja EOS-u također imaju koristi od ove mreže.
Record inflation and rising energy prices threaten the purchasing power of companies and their ability to invest: Here is how you can mitigate the effects.
Pridruživanje Globalnom sporazumu UN-a pomaže EOS-u da strateški usmjeri svoje društveno sudjelovanje. Kako se ciljevi inicijative mogu prenijeti na vlastito poslovanje?
When goods are ordered under a false name, retailers are often left with the costs. RISK IDENT has developed a software that uses artificial intelligence to put a stop to identity fraud in e-commerce.
Marwin Ramcke postaje novi izvršni direktor grupe EOS. U intervjuu nam otkriva svoje planove i objašnjava s kojim se izazovima danas vodeći kadrovi suočavaju.
Chatbotovi oslobađaju zaposlenike jednostavnih zadataka, pa imaju više vremena za rješavanje složenijih problema klijenata, čime se povećava zadovoljstvo radom.
The EU has issued an action plan to reduce NPLs. In this interview, Freda Stockfleth explains what measures the EU has devised and the potential positive and negative effects for everyone involved.
In many cities around the world, buildings are lying empty and falling into disrepair. EOS is making sure that these properties can be used again. It’s a win-win scenario!
The COVID-19 pandemic has made international debt collection even more challenging. The EOS partner network is a reliable point of contact during the crisis too – thanks also to an efficient IT platform.
How can business practices improve the world? The corporate responsibility strategy of EOS consists of four actionable areas. Its motto: Changing for the better.
In this interview, Justus Hecking-Veltman, CFO of the EOS Group, explains what makes EOS so resilient and how the company aims to exploit new opportunities after this exceptional year.
EOS Grupa odlučno slijedi svoj plan korporativne odgovornosti. Pritom se ne radi samo o klimatskim promjenama. Strategija korporativne odgovornosti usmjerena je osobito na društveni i poduzetnički angažman.
Diverse teams are more successful, says diversity expert Tijen Onaran. In this interview she reveals how companies can create diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace.
The secured debt portfolio business is growing, especially at the EOS national subsidiaries in France and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. An important advantage they have is the Group’s good name.
As the technological options available have increased in recent years so too have consumer expectations about the accessibility of customer service. Nowadays, many companies are using chatbots to ensure faster, round-the-clock processing of customer issues. At EOS too, virtual assistants are giving defaulting payers information and thus providing support to service personnel.
Data protection is not nearly as boring as it is made out to be, at least according to Senior Privacy Officer Stephan Bovermann. In this article he explains how EOS deals with sensitive data.
When selling receivables the aim is to get a purchase price that is as fair as possible. To guarantee this to the seller, a purchaser like EOS first of all has to get to know the portfolio. Before submitting an offer, the portfolio is thoroughly scrutinized.
Kollecto+ is the centralized debt collection platform of the EOS Group. After years in development, the rollout has been completed by EOS in Croatia, the first of many countries to introduce the software. A progress report.
According to Andreas Behmenburg, now is the time to arrange for professional receivables management. In this interview he explains how companies can find a reputable debt collection partner.
Through the establishment of its Cross-border Center 10 years ago, EOS found a way of recovering money across national borders. Since then, a strong global network of partners has been created.
Imate li digitalno povjerenje? Aktualna EOS-ova studija pokazuje: na globalnoj razini tek manji dio potrošača/-ica vjeruje da tvrtke povjerljivo postupaju s njihovim osobnim podacima.