Ένα άτομο κρατάει ένα tablet στο οποίο είναι ανοιχτή η ιστοσελίδα EOS Newsroom, παρέχοντας πληροφορίες για τις τελευταίες ειδήσεις, διαδικτυακά άρθρα και δελτία τύπου.

EOS: The Magazine.

Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμα νέα άρθρα για αυτήν την κατηγορία αυτήν τη στιγμή.
Δίκαιη είσπραξη χρεών: Ένας μεσήλικας άνδρας οφειλέτης με ένα σακάκι στο χρώμα της ελιάς κοιτάζει έξω από το παράθυρο με ανησυχία.

Δίκαιη είσπραξη οφειλών: Το άτομο πίσω από το χρέος.

4 λεπτά
Το κεντρικό ερώτημα στην υπεύθυνη είσπραξη απαιτήσεων είναι: Πώς χειριζόμαστε τους υπερήμερους καταναλωτές; Όπως καταδεικνύει η EOS, υπάρχουν περισσότερες από μία καλές απαντήσεις σε αυτό το ερώτημα.
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NPL Directive: EOS is working intensively on its implementation

EOS successfully implements provisions of the NPL Directive

5 λεπτά
EOS shows how the provisions of the NPL Directive are being implemented locally by its national subsidiaries.
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Marwin Ramcke, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος, με μπλε κοστούμι και το δεξί του χέρι στην τσέπη του παντελονιού του, όρθιος σε ένα φωτεινό δωμάτιο.

Συνέντευξη: Διοικ. Συμβούλιο της EOS για το οικονομικό έτος 2023/24

7 λεπτά
Το Δ.Σ. της EOS για το οικονομικό έτος 2023/24: Πώς εξελίχθηκαν οι δραστηριότητες στις περιοχές, γιατί η βιωσιμότητα παραμένει στο επίκεντρο και γιατί η EOS είναι άρτια εξοπλισμένη για το μέλλον.
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ESG: EOS has a clear agenda for environmentally conscious and socially responsible action. Corporate Responsibility experts see to it that the strategy is being implemented in the national companies.

ESG experts promoting sustainability at EOS internationally

4 λεπτά
Commitment to strategy: Sustainability is becoming a success factor for financial companies. ESG experts at EOS are driving environmentally conscious and socially responsible action internationally.
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Innovation contest: The winning team presented artificial intelligence (AI) that can independently make and receive call center calls.

Innovation contest: When employees shape the future with AI

3 λεπτά
Now for the third time, EOS was calling on its employees to take part in the innovation contest. The goal: promoting international collaboration and enhancing performance.
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Unsecured receivables: Image shows two people looking at an invoice together.

Unsecured receivables: How EOS stabilizes companies.

3 λεπτά
Whether they are a bank, energy utility, telecoms or e-commerce firm, EOS helps businesses from a wide range of sectors to reliably plan ahead by purchasing their unsecured receivables.
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Kollecto+ is the digital collection system of EOS.

Digital debt collection system: The success story of Kollecto+

3 λεπτά
Almost half of EOS national subsidiaries work with Kollecto+. The digital collection system is making great strides and offers customers and consumers alike many benefits.
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CEO Vladislav Hadjidinev in a blue suit and Katerina Bosevska Managing Director of EOS North Macedonia in a light blue blazer standing next to each other in a office with a red wall

Uni Banka cooperates with EOS in receivables management.

3 λεπτά
Win-win: EOS North Macedonia is taking on Uni Banka’s receivables management in the long term. The collaboration doesn’t just benefit the two companies but also the country’s economy.
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Headshot of Stephan Ohlmeyer, member of the EOS Board, and Jan Ottenbreit, Head of Division Central Europe.

New EOS region Central Europe: “We’re creating openness to new goals”

3 λεπτά
Better knowledge transfer and greater openness to new business areas are what EOS aims to achieve with the new Central Europe region.
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IFC representatives visited the EOS Group in Hamburg, celebrating the cooperation in the Polish market and solidifying the commitment to sustainable investments.

ESG criteria: EOS and IFC pursue sustainable portfolio acquisition

3 λεπτά
In Poland and southeastern Europe, IFC (International Finance Corporation) and EOS apply strict ESG criteria covering social and environmental aspects when buying NPL portfolios.
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Illustration of woman in front of computer facing a robot

RPA: Βελτίωση της ποιότητας με ρομπότ λογισμικού στην EOS.

2 λεπτά
"Προγραμματισμένη επανάσταση": Η EOS βελτιστοποιεί την ψηφιακή διαχείριση οφειλών με ρομποτική αυτοματοποίηση, απελευθερώνοντας το προσωπικό για πιο πολύπλοκες και δημιουργικές εργασίες.
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Cybersecurity expert Janusch Skubatz, Chief Information Security Officer of the EOS Group, with brown hair and white shirt

Τι είναι η Generative AI; Η ισορροπία μεταξύ καινοτομίας και κινδύνου.

4 λεπτά
Η Generative AI προσφέρει στις εταιρείες τεράστιες δυνατότητες. Ο Όμιλος Otto μειώνει αυτούς τους κινδύνους με το εσωτερικό του εργαλείο ogGPT. Από αυτό επωφελείται και ο Όμιλος EOS.
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A survey reveals that AI potential is still not being exploited in the area of risk and finance

Survey reveals: AI potential not being exploited in risk and finance.

2 λεπτά
A survey reveals that generative AI like ChatGPT offers companies potential applications in numerous areas. In the area of risk and finance, it also harbors untapped potential.
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Μια φωτογραφία απεικονίζει τον Cristian Musat, Γενικό Διευθυντή της EOS International BVG και «εγκέφαλο» του έργου Kollecto+.

Λογισμικό διαχείρισης απαιτήσεων: Μεγαλύτερη αποδοτικότητα χάρη στο τυποποιημένο σύστημα.

2 λεπτά
Στο σύστημα διαχείρισης απαιτήσεων Kollecto+, όλες οι εταιρείες του Ομίλου EOS συγκεντρώνουν τις γνώσεις και την εμπειρία τους και με αυτόν τον τρόπο βελτιώνουν την αποδοτικότητα ολόκληρου του Ομίλου.
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 A graphic shows several people communicating with each other through email, conversations, and letters.

How EOS makes debt collection responsible and fair.

3 λεπτά
EOS stands for fair and respectful receivables management. The debt collection company accomplishes this with technology that simplifies processes for consumers and with trained staff.
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A photomontage shows a car traveling toward the sunset in the right lane of a paved road in an open, green landscape. The asphalt on the opposite lane is completely worn down.

Διεθνής διαχείριση απαιτήσεων: Η EOS έχει αναλάβει τη διαχείριση απαιτήσεων σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο για τη Hertz.

3 λεπτά
Οι διασυνοριακές απαιτήσεις παρουσιάζουν προκλήσεις τόσο σε επίπεδο logistics όσο και σε νομικό επίπεδο. Η εταιρεία ενοικίασης αυτοκινήτων Hertz βασίζεται στην τεχνογνωσία της EOS για τη διεθνή διαχείρισή των απαιτήσεών της.
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An illustration shows a man and a woman in business attire shaking hands. In the background is a globe with several locations pinned on it – and a stylized income statement.

Διεθνής διαχείριση απαιτήσεων: Πώς η EOS διεκπεραιώνει απαιτήσεις διεθνώς.

3 λεπτά
Η EOS δραστηριοποιείται σε 180 χώρες μέσω των εταιρειών της ή με επιλεγμένους συνεργάτες. Οι τράπεζες που πωλούν τακτικά διασυνοριακές οφειλές στην EOS επωφελούνται επίσης από αυτό το δίκτυο.
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Andreas Kropp, member of the EOS Group’s Board of Directors responsible for Germany<br/>is smiling.

EOS appreciates centralization of debt collection supervision.

1 λεπτά
Decided by the German Bundestag and a very pleasing step forward for the debt collection industry.
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Record inflation threatens businesses: A rising curve.

Record inflation threatens companies.

3 λεπτά
Record inflation and rising energy prices threaten the purchasing power of companies and their ability to invest: Here is how you can mitigate the effects.
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Financial literacy means responsibility: A girl sits at a laptop and takes part in online learning.

How EOS is committed to a debt-free world.

5 λεπτά
In order to curb excessive personal debt, EOS is taking responsibility and is committed to improving financial literacy in society.
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EOS in the UN Global Compact: At EOS, Sibylle Weingart is responsible for issues of corporate responsibility.

EOS in the UN Global Compact: Taking CR to the next level.

6 λεπτά
Joining the UN Global Compact is helping EOS to devise a strategy for its corporate social responsibility. How can the goals of the initiative be applied to your own business?
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cellular-telephone, push-button, switch, lighter, appliance

Identity theft: How machine learning protects against online fraud.

6 λεπτά
When goods are ordered under a false name, retailers are often left with the costs. RISK IDENT has developed a software that uses artificial intelligence to put a stop to identity fraud in e-commerce.
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Αυτό είναι το νέο brand της EOS: Ο Marwin Ramcke συστήνεται και παρουσιάζει το νέο λογότυπο της EOS.

The new EOS brand: Pioneering and more dynamic and digital.  

3 λεπτά
In this interview, CEO Marwin Ramcke talks about the mindset behind the brand and what it means for the company’s business partners.
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Portrait photograph of Marwin Ramcke, Managing Director of the EOS Group and responsible for the Eastern Europe region

Συνέντευξη του νέου CEO της EOS, Ramcke: «Θα θέσουμε νέα πρότυπα».

4 λεπτά
Ο Marwin Ramcke αναλαμβάνει νέος Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος του ομίλου EOS. Στη συνέντευξή του αποκαλύπτει τα σχέδιά του και συζητά για τις προκλήσεις που αντιμετωπίζουν σήμερα τα διευθυντικά στελέχη.
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bubble, heart

EOS Chatbot Survey: How employees and customers profit from AI

4 λεπτά
Chatbots relieve employees of simple tasks – giving them more time for more complex customer issues and increasing their satisfaction.
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envelope, alarm, push-button, switch, clock

EOS 2021 Chatbot Survey: Two of three companies use bots.

5 λεπτά
Nearly two thirds of European companies are already using chatbots – and this number is growing. But they are still leaving a lot of potential untapped.
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EU Action Plan NPLs: Freda Stockfleth, Senior Vice President Corporate Legal and Public Affairs at EOS

EU Action Plan: Will it accelerate NPL reduction and prevent a financial crisis?

4 λεπτά
The EU has issued an action plan to reduce NPLs. In this interview, Freda Stockfleth explains what measures the EU has devised and the potential positive and negative effects for everyone involved.
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By completing derelict buildings, EOS is bringing debt-ridden properties back into the economic cycle.

EOS is bringing debt-ridden properties back into the economic cycle

4 λεπτά
In many cities around the world, buildings are lying empty and falling into disrepair. EOS is making sure that these properties can be used again. It’s a win-win scenario!
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International debt collection

International debt collection at EOS: Globally connected in COVID-19 crisis.

3 λεπτά
The COVID-19 pandemic has made international debt collection even more challenging. The EOS partner network is a reliable point of contact during the crisis too – thanks also to an efficient IT platform.
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Corporate Responsibility at EOS: EOS CEO Klaus Engberding

Corporate Responsibility: Four actionable areas – one strategy.

11 λεπτά
How can business practices improve the world? The corporate responsibility strategy of EOS consists of four actionable areas. Its motto: Changing for the better.
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EOS fiscal 2020/21: Interview mit Justus Hecking-Veltman

Fiscal 2020/21: “We’ve learned a huge amount this year.”

4 λεπτά
In this interview, Justus Hecking-Veltman, CFO of the EOS Group, explains what makes EOS so resilient and how the company aims to exploit new opportunities after this exceptional year.
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CSR strategy of the EOS Group: EOS headquarters on the Steindamm in Hamburg

How debt collection can help create a sustainable world

6 λεπτά
The EOS Group is resolutely pursuing its corporate responsibility agenda. But climate protection is not the only objective. The company’s CR strategy focuses above all on social and corporate engagement.
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Diversity at EOS: Tijen Onaran, diversity expert

Diversity drives success: “not (just) a women’s issue”

5 λεπτά
Diverse teams are more successful, says diversity expert Tijen Onaran. In this interview she reveals how companies can create diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace.
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Real estate secured NPLs: in Bosnia the NPL market offers great potential.

Real estate secured receivables business is booming.

5 λεπτά
The secured debt portfolio business is growing, especially at the EOS national subsidiaries in France and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. An important advantage they have is the Group’s good name.
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Digital transformation: How EOS challenges itself anew, day after day.

3 λεπτά
When the financial sector talks about digital transformation nowadays, it is describing a process that EOS has been going through for years now.
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Chatbots in debt collection service: Robots answer service queries on a laptop.

Debt collection service: Chatbots never sleep

4 λεπτά
As the technological options available have increased in recent years so too have consumer expectations about the accessibility of customer service. Nowadays, many companies are using chatbots to ensure faster, round-the-clock processing of customer issues. At EOS too, virtual assistants are giving defaulting payers information and thus providing support to service personnel.
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Data protection in the debt collection context: Stephan Bovermann, Senior Group Privacy Officer at EOS

Data protection in debt collection: How our data privacy officers work

4 λεπτά
Data protection is not nearly as boring as it is made out to be, at least according to Senior Privacy Officer Stephan Bovermann. In this article he explains how EOS deals with sensitive data.
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Receivables purchasing: Matthias Schmidt, Head of Operational Debt Purchase at EOS Group, sits in front of a wall covered in post-its and other notes.

How portfolio valuation works in receivables purchasing

4 λεπτά
When selling receivables the aim is to get a purchase price that is as fair as possible. To guarantee this to the seller, a purchaser like EOS first of all has to get to know the portfolio. Before submitting an offer, the portfolio is thoroughly scrutinized.
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Two men throw a plastic globe to one another

EOS rolls out new debt collection software Kollecto+

4 λεπτά
Kollecto+ is the centralized debt collection platform of the EOS Group. After years in development, the rollout has been completed by EOS in Croatia, the first of many countries to introduce the software. A progress report.
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Andreas Behmenburg, Regional Sales Manager for EOS in Germany, helps in cases of identity fraud with his colleagues alleged fraud victims.

Ensuring liquidity despite coronavirus: Why outsourcing debt collection is worthwhile at this point in time

2 λεπτά
According to Andreas Behmenburg, now is the time to arrange for professional receivables management. In this interview he explains how companies can find a reputable debt collection partner.
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International debt collection: Debt collection expert Raymond Pappot walks through Almere in the Netherlands.

International debt collection: How the EOS Cross-border Center works.

5 λεπτά
Through the establishment of its Cross-border Center 10 years ago, EOS found a way of recovering money across national borders. Since then, a strong global network of partners has been created.
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Businessman looking away: Consumers do not have a lot of digital trust

EOS survey reveals that consumers have no digital trust

4 λεπτά
Do you have digital trust? A recent EOS survey shows that only a minority of consumers believe that companies handle their personal data in a trustworthy way.
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