Direktan jezik pomaže i kompanijama i potrošačima. U ovom intervjuu, stručnjak u toj oblasti objašnjava zašto je to tako i zašto je posebno važno u segmentu naplate dugova.
Osnovno pitanje odgovorne naplate potraživanja je: Kako postupamo sa dužnicima koji ne plaćaju obaveze? Kao što EOS pokazuje, postoji više od jednog dobrog odgovora na ovo pitanje.
Upravni odbor EOS-a o poslovnoj godini 2023/24. Kako je došlo do razvoja poslovanja u regionima, zašto je održivost i dalje važan fokus i zašto je EOS dobro pripremljen za budućnost.
Predanost strategiji: Održivost postaje faktor uspjeha za financijske tvrtke. ESG stručnjaci u EOS-u potiču ekološki osviještene i društveno odgovorne aktivnosti na međunarodnoj razini.
Gotovo polovina EOS nacionalnih kompanija već radi s njim: Kollecto+. Digitalni sistem naplate potraživanja je u usponu, te nudi brojne prednosti kupcima i potrošačima.
Win-win: EOS North Macedonia is taking on Uni Banka’s receivables management in the long term. The collaboration doesn’t just benefit the two companies but also the country’s economy.
In Poland and southeastern Europe, IFC (International Finance Corporation) and EOS apply strict ESG criteria covering social and environmental aspects when buying NPL portfolios.
“Programmed revolution”: The EOS Group is optimizing its digital receivables management with robotic process automation, freeing up staff for more complex and creative tasks.
Generativni AI nudi kompanijama ogroman potencijal. Otto Grupa smanjuje ove rizike svojim internim alatom ogGPT. EOS grupa također ima koristi od toga.
A survey reveals that generative AI like ChatGPT offers companies potential applications in numerous areas. In the area of risk and finance, it also harbors untapped potential.
EOS stands for fair and respectful receivables management. The debt collection company accomplishes this with technology that simplifies processes for consumers and with trained staff.
Prekogranična potraživanja predstavljaju i logističke i pravne izazove. Kompanija za iznajmljivanje automobila Hertz oslanja se na stručnost EOS-a za naplatu međunarodnih dugova.
EOS je aktivan u 180 zemalja sa sopstvenim kompanijama ili odabranim partnerima. Od ove mreže profitiraju i banke koje redovno prodaju prekogranična dugovanja EOS-u.
Joining the UN Global Compact is helping EOS to devise a strategy for its corporate social responsibility. How can the goals of the initiative be applied to your own business?
When goods are ordered under a false name, retailers are often left with the costs. RISK IDENT has developed a software that uses artificial intelligence to put a stop to identity fraud in e-commerce.
Nearly two thirds of European companies are already using chatbots – and this number is growing. But they are still leaving a lot of potential untapped.
The EU has issued an action plan to reduce NPLs. In this interview, Freda Stockfleth explains what measures the EU has devised and the potential positive and negative effects for everyone involved.
In many cities around the world, buildings are lying empty and falling into disrepair. EOS is making sure that these properties can be used again. It’s a win-win scenario!
The COVID-19 pandemic has made international debt collection even more challenging. The EOS partner network is a reliable point of contact during the crisis too – thanks also to an efficient IT platform.
How can business practices improve the world? The corporate responsibility strategy of EOS consists of four actionable areas. Its motto: Changing for the better.
In this interview, Justus Hecking-Veltman, CFO of the EOS Group, explains what makes EOS so resilient and how the company aims to exploit new opportunities after this exceptional year.
The EOS Group is resolutely pursuing its corporate responsibility agenda. But climate protection is not the only objective. The company’s CR strategy focuses above all on social and corporate engagement.
Raznoliki timovi su uspješniji, kaže ekspert Tijen Onaran. U ovom intervjuju ona otkriva kako kompanije mogu stvoriti više raznolikosti i jednake mogućnosti na radnom mjestu.
Portfolij potraživanja osiguranih nekretninama neprestano raste, posebno u podružnicama u Francuskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini. Bitna prednost koju imaju jeste dobra reputacija Grupe.
As the technological options available have increased in recent years so too have consumer expectations about the accessibility of customer service. Nowadays, many companies are using chatbots to ensure faster, round-the-clock processing of customer issues. At EOS too, virtual assistants are giving defaulting payers information and thus providing support to service personnel.
Zaštita podataka nije uopće dosadna, kako se smatra da jeste, barem tako tvrdi Viši službenik za zaštitu podataka Stephan Bovermann. U ovom članku on objašnjava kako se EOS nosi sa osjetljivim podacima.
Kada se radi o prodaji potraživanja cilj je dobiti fer cijenu, koliko je god to moguće. Kako bi ovo mogli garantovati prodavaču, kupac poput EOS-a prije svega mora da pogleda te da se upozna sa predmetnim portfolijem. Prije nego li se uputi ponuda, portfolij se temeljno i detaljno pregleda i analizira.
Kollecto+ is the centralized debt collection platform of the EOS Group. After years in development, the rollout has been completed by EOS in Croatia, the first of many countries to introduce the software. A progress report.
Prema mišljenju Andreasa Behmenburga, upravo sada je vrijeme za ugovaranje profesionalne naplate potraživanja. U ovom intervjuju objašnjava kako kompanije mogu naći uglednog partnera za naplatu potraživanja.
Osnivanjem Centra prekogranične naplate, prije deset godina, EOS je pronašao način povrata novca i preko granica. Još od tada, stvorena je snažna globalna mreža partnera.